DELLA Chevrolet of Plattsburgh

Price Match Guarantee in Plattsburgh, NY

If We Can't Meet or Beat the Price, You Get $500

At DELLA Chevrolet of Plattsburgh, we’ve always strived to give you a superior car-buying experience and that includes never being undersold. You don’t want to waste time and money driving all over town or the state looking for the lowest prices. We’ve got them!

Bring an advertised offer for a same-brand vehicle of the same model, year, trim, dealer-installed accessories under equal purchase or lease terms and if we can’t meet or beat that price, we’ll give you $500*. And that’s your money—keep it or use it toward a new or used vehicle from DELLA Chevrolet.

When DELLA Chevrolet says we have the lowest prices, we put our money where our mouth is—guaranteed!

*Meet or Beat price match guarantee applicable to advertised offer of vehicle of identical model, year, trim level, dealer-installed options and lease or purchase terms within 3 days of publication within 50 miles of DELLA Chevrolet of Plattsburgh’s location. No photocopies, emails or dealer handwritten notes will be accepted. Five hundred dollars can either be received in the form of a check or applied toward the purchase or lease of a new Chevrolet or the purchase of a premium-used vehicle at DELLA Chevrolet of Plattsburgh in the event that the dealership does not match the advertised offer. Some restrictions may apply. See dealer for full details. Offer expires 12/31/22.